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What is the best mobile app development company on the market with whom I should communicate? You could be wondering whether you should make an application available, on Android, or Windows Mobile, or if you should make a cross-platform app. It's not a simple question by any means, and to make the best selection, you'll need to view a lot of possibilities in one place so you can compare them and make an informed conclusion.

App Development Firms at the Top

The top Android user's app developers may be found all over the world, from California to Europe and Southeast Asia, given the nature of the application creation process. In many situations, these businesses have offices in several places. 

For example, they could have a headquarters of sales and marketing in the United States, and a design & analysis arm in India or Eastern Europe. On the other side, there are powerful agencies based entirely in India & Latin America, while the UK consistently has a large number of top app developers.

This list includes the greatest app development firms from around the world. We chose organizations with a solid track record and a diverse portfolio to save you time googling; most of the best app development companies below can develop for iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, or go cross-platform and design a hybrid app. 

We evaluated their UX/UI design as well as their desire to experiment with new technologies such as wearables, augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain, Amazon Alexa, and conversational bots. Finally, we made no distinction based on company size, since small studios may compete with larger firms on all quality parameters.

Featured App Creators

There are thousands of app development companies in our database, but you must know where to choose one. App developers must be appropriate for you, your business, and your app idea. Brand names & awards aren't enough. This quick guide will assist you in making a more educated decision.

App Developer Types

There are four primary sorts of app developers, however, each has numerous subsets.  In general, enterprise-level organizations are more expensive but have the best and quickest means of developing your software, whilst boutiques are like tiny artisans, and solo freelancers are the final group.

Enterprise (in-house): Large enterprises that often handle everything from app design to development, testing, and distribution. They usually have the most expensive budgets, and their developers and coders are largely staff.

The primary difference between them and the companies listed above is that these companies hire individuals to make this project successful. This gives you more options - perhaps you already have a User Interface or know how to code but want something created. It also lowers costs, as application development through these companies is typically less expensive.

Boutique studios are as tiny as a two-person operation. They focus on fewer projects and produce high-quality results, as well as being highly specialized in specific app kinds of industry verticals.

Freelancers: You might find one individual who is ready to do everything (design, coding, testing, and publishing), but the truth is that people who can do everything effectively are few and far between.

App Development Platforms with Featured Developers

Years of intense competition have resulted in the duopoly of mobile operating systems. Currently, there are two major well-established platforms: iOS (Apple's mobile os for iPhones, with several branches – ipadOS for iPads and watchOS for Apple Watch) & Android OS (Google's mobile operating system that runs on a wide range of hardware from Samsung to Xiaomi or Huawei mobile phones).

Windows 10 Mobile is also available, albeit it has a market share of less than 1% in the United States and less than 10% in the rest of the world. Microsoft said in October 2017 that it will no longer be actively developing the platform. There is no need to design new software or hardware.

Locations of App Developers

Major cities, like other IT industries, are the primary hubs for application development due to an ideal combination of universities that produce competent app developers, designers, and other professionals, as well as venture capital to fuel app development startups. Although certain boutique studios could be located in smaller cities, the overall rule holds.


Mobile app developers flock to California in droves, with San Francisco as well as Silicon Valley leading the way, and Los Angeles not too far behind. New York is undoubtedly the second most important US location for developing apps, with several well-known studios, followed by Chicago & Boston.


London is the main center, with a significant concentration of app developers; nevertheless, the north, particularly Manchester and Newcastle, has some good studios.


India is a prominent app development powerhouse, with the bulk of developers based in three locations: Bengaluru, Hyderabad, as well as the New Delhi metro area.

Europe's east

With major application development behemoths in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, and Dnepr, Ukraine is the greatest challenger for the title of "central hub" for application developers in Eastern Europe. There are several around the area, with some of the best beings in Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania.

App Development Costs and Prices

The cost of an app varies greatly based on the complexity of the program, whether it's for Android or iOS, whether it's native or hybrid, and, most importantly, whose developer you hire.

For more complex programs created by high-end developers, estimates range from $3000 to $150,000.

Costs vary by country, with prices ranging from $10 to $50 per hour in India to $60 to 125 per hr in The Us.

If you want to learn more about mobile development expenses, check out our tips on where to get an application developer in the United States, the United Kingdom, and India.

What to Look for When Choosing an App Developer

That's always an idea to look through the app developer's portfolio. Prior experience in one field and business sector may not only result in a better app, and therefore a cheaper one: the challenges faced as well as overcome in the development of previous apps will shorten the time it takes to develop yours, so it did help if your selected app developer is familiar with the ins as well as outs of your industry.

Reviews or recommendations are also helpful; if you know of a business that is comparable to yours, find out who created their app, whether it works, and read the app store reviews.

You can also visit our app developer marketplace or read our in-depth instructions on how to create an app.

App Developers FAQ We've compiled a list of the most common questions regarding how to locate, select, and work with an application development firm or agency.

What would it cost to create an app?

Mobile app development company: It depends on several things, including the sort of app and its functionality, as well as the developer you select. The most affordable app costs roughly $40,000, whereas bigger apps can cost up to $125,000. According to some estimates, an Uber-like app might cost up to $300,000.

What is the average time it takes to create an app?

A mid-complexity mobile app takes 1,000 to 2,000 hours to produce, according to the Cleveroad mobile development cost calculator. Again, this varies widely depending on the sort of app & your programmer, but this range encompasses the bulk of medium-sized app development times.

Where can I look for an app developer?

There are numerous materials available on the internet. Start by browsing the directory of Business of Apps. manifest, GoodFirms, and Clutch are some other app developer sites to look at.

Online portals such as Upwork, Freelancer, as We Work Remotely are good places to look for freelancers.

Where else can I discover a developer to collaborate with on a new app?

A meetup is a terrific tool for this, with developer meetups, and also platform-specific meetings for iOS and Android, are frequently found on the platform.

How so many app developers do you know?

Quite a bit. As of the most recent estimates, there are 26.4 million app developers worldwide in 2019, with roughly 6 million developing specifically for Android and 2.8 million focusing on iOS.

Asia had the most app developers in 2014, with 760,000 (32.9 percent of the total application developers at the time), followed by Europe and America, with 29.7% & 29.4% of devs, respectively. Keep in mind, though, that approximately 800,000 developers have entered the market per year since then.

What factors should I consider while hiring an app developer?

When selecting an app developer, there are a few things to consider. The first is, obviously, your budget, but you should also consider:

Examine your portfolios.

This is common practice, and most businesses will proudly display their application development portfolios on their websites. Keep in mind that, while app development is a skill in and of itself, development for specific industries (such as health or games) can be somewhat specialized. Check to see whether the developer specializes in your business, and especially if they cover the platform you're targeting (iOS, Android, or Cross-platform), as well as mobile technology.

Inquire about references.

Mobile app development company: If you want to dig deeper, you can always contact the firms for whom the studio has produced apps to learn more about their experiences. When a design studio is repeatedly trusted by industry operators, it must have been doing something well. 

What should you ask an app developer?

  • What native platforms do you build for? Are you a cross-platform app developer?

Mobile app development company: You want to be clear right away: which platforms can your selected studio build an application form on? Do they specialize in iOS, Android, or cross-platform apps (apps that run on both iOS and Android utilizing "generic" coding rather than platform-specific coding)? 

What method will be used to convert the apps from one system to another? Will the webpage that the app was linked to being optimized for mobile phones? Consider as broad an audience as possible for potential app users, in both terms of diversity and the devices they use to access it.

  • Do you cover all phases of the development process?

Some studios specialize in a user interface or user-experience design. Others handle the development or coding, but after-launch support is considered an extra cost. Not all studio developers provide a rear (servers and software) in their services if your app requires one. It all depends on the type of app you're creating, but be certain the studio you choose covers all stages of the development of an application or can refer you to organizations whose skills complement their own.

  • How can I make money with my app?

This should be discussed with your selected development studio as part of the business plan. Will you be able to monetize your app through advertising? If that's the case, it serves its purpose for that use. How will your app attract users to return during their first trip or first transaction if it's a storefront or simply bringing visitors to your website in which the money is made? 

Remember that user churn is one of the primary issues that app developers face today — only a small percentage of app users remain using the application after 30 days after downloading it. This is the type of discussion you should have with your app developer.

In conclusion

Following a thorough investigation, our analyst discovered that providing robust, engaging, user-friendly, and dependable mobile app development company to customers all over the world. I hope that these articles have helped you obtain a better understanding of this subject.

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